It was a barrel of fun and laughter !
12.07.2009 28 °C
Well this week is farewell week for me. I've been teaching my students for close on two years now and I have very fond memories of all that we've shared together. Some snap shots:
Farewell cards from Nakdong Middle School students !
(My portrait was done from memory ! Amazing !)
Self-portraits of Nakdong third graders (front page of their farewell cards)
Farewell card from a Nakdong second grader
Another Nakdong farewell card
Goodbye Nakdong second graders !
In the throes of teaching Nakdong second graders
And the winner of today's Cheong-ri English camp is ...
Goodbye Cheong-ri third graders ! I'll miss you !
Posted by JBarker 02:45 Archived in South Korea Tagged living_abroad